This series of illustrations were initially meant to be a quick study of the contextual environment. However, I ended up really pouring a lot of time into them, constantly reworking the images, changing views, changing lighting, reworking the images again, etc. Additionally, I continued to develop the design and to […]
Year: 2021
New Project: Summerfest Pavilion
I recently took a long road trip back to Ohio to see family that I haven’t seen in over a year and a half. It is such a contrast leaving the density of an urban environment like Boston and traveling to the rural areas that I grew up in. The […]
MIT B&W Sections
Sections are some of my favorite types of architecture illustrations to create because of how well they show the relationship of exterior to interior. Traditionally, section drawings are illustrated perpendicular to the cut with minimal perspective and presented in a much more diagrammatic way. Much of the earlier sections that […]
KRob 2021
The 47th Krob Competition has put out a call for entries. Categories include Digital/Hybrid Media, Hand Delineation, Physical Delineation, Travel Sketch, and Animation. The 47th Ken Roberts Memorial Competition (KRob) is the longest-running architectural drawing competition in the world. Students and professionals may submit entries in a number of categories […]
MIT Site Plans and Diagrams
The past several weeks have been sort of a right-brain focus on image making. I wanted to play around with colors and textures and iterate on style a bit and not get lost in the technical and detailed side of things. However, before I started with the graphic studies, I […]